- On August 29, IBI (603613.SH) and Baotou Municipal People's Government held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony in the fields of industrial digitalization upgrading, supply chain optimization, and industrial belt cross-border e-commerce.
- 山东港海外发展集团一行首先参观了IBI数字经济总部数字技术展厅和数据集成展示区
- The "Duoduo Double 10 Industrial E-commerce Festival" that you are familiar with has been officially renamed as "Duoduo Double 9 Business Linkage Festival" since the 9th event
- In the beautiful season of golden autumn, Shandong Port Group ushered in its fifth anniversary celebration - the summary and commendation conference and art show.
- TD副总裁、新加坡TD总裁胡坤介绍了IBI和TD平台以及以产业带跨境和海外业务拓展为主体的第三增长曲线。
- 作为联合主办方和参展商,IBI的CNSYS平台以其行业洞察和创新实践成为展会的焦点。
- IBI、CNSYS、跨境电子商务平台、工程机械产业链
- 图多多前往阿联酋检查海外仓库,巩固跨境供应链。
- CNSYS、国联集团、黄流域、跨境电子商务博览会
- 作为吉利汽车的长期战略合作伙伴,灵龙轮胎与吉利的发展保持同步。通过不断提高研发能力,优化制造标准
- 随着中国轮胎市场的饱和,仅靠国内市场已无法满足轮胎企业的发展需求。
- 根据韩泰轮胎最新的轮胎产能布局,到2026年,韩泰轮胎在美国的产量将翻一番,达到美国轮胎工厂平均产量的三倍。
- On January 10, 2025, Qingdao Sentury Tire Co., Ltd. issued a notice on the adjustment of domestic market prices. According to the data, due to the sharp rise in raw material prices, the manufacturing cost of the company's tire products has increased significantly.
- It is not only the first overseas project of Wanli Tire, but also a key step for Guangzhou Industrial Control Group to accelerate the globalization strategy and actively participate in the high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road".
- 2023年至2024年,中国轮胎利用全球高需求,疯狂扩张产能。两年内,30多家轮胎公司在全球建立了35家工厂,新增轮胎产能3.37亿条。