- Well-known Chinese tire companies have begun to frantically engage in "overseas capacity competition". In just one year, the speed and number of China's overseas tire factories in construction and expansion have almost exceeded the total of the past decade.
- Pyrum has reached a major milestone with the addition of new production lines (TAD 2 and 3) at its first flagship tire recycling plant in Dillingen, according to new documents.
- 国联集团、兔多多公司动态
- 国联集团、山东港口集团、新闻发布会、CNSEARCH、跨境电子商务平台
- 国联股份高级副总裁刘斋图多多股份有限公司兼首席执行官受邀考察瑞昌工业园。
- 期待2023年(中国)欧亚商品贸易博览会,图多多(展位号:F9-12)邀请您参观!
- 国家钛产业联盟(四川省钛钛协会)来访图多多集团。
- 中国涂料工业协会会长孙连英一行参观国联股份,涂多多有限公司。
- 国联股份高级副总裁刘斋图多多有限公司兼首席执行官,受邀考察周口多个工业园区。
- 屠多多出席了二钛产业技术创新战略联盟第二届理事会。